"There is one argument against capital punishment, even in extreme cases, which I cannot deny to have weight--on which my hon. Friend justly laid great stress, and which never can be entirely got rid of. It is this--that if by an error of justice an innocent person is put to death, the mistake can never be corrected; all compensation, all reparation for the wrong is impossible. This would be indeed a serious objection if these miserable mistakes--among the most tragical occurrences in the whole round of human affairs--could not be made extremely rare."--John Stuart Mill, Speech in Favor of Capital Punishment
Curtis McCarty
Nicholas Yarris
Frank Lee Smith
Earl Washington
Dennis Williams
Ryan Matthews
Ray Krone
Verneal Jimerson
Verneal's case is particularly disturbing which will become evident to you if you read the
summary of his case. His conviction was based on an eye-witness who later recanted her
testimony. She was charged as an accomplice and with perjury and was jailed. Her release was contingent on her "recalling" her original testimony, which she did.
DNA testing excluded Verneal and the real perpetrators have been found.
Rolando Cruz
Ron Williamson
Robert Miller
Ronald Jones
Paul House
None of these men, falsely convicted and placed on death row, were discovered by "the system." If it were not for the pro-active intervention of the Innocence Project these men most likely would have been killed or would still be facing an unjust death.
Jennifer Bishop Jones of the Murder Victim's Families for Reconciliation is interviewed in this radio/call-in show.
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